The Hydraulic Reference Turntable
The Hydraulic Reference Turntable employs a low-speed, recoil start synchronous motor on a double-deck spring mounting driving the platter via a neoprene rubber belt, thereby providing complete vibration insulation.
The main bearing incorporates a silicone fluid well rotating at the same speed as the platter, fine speed control being provided by a static vane immersed in the fluid.
Platter speed is therefore determined by the A.C mains frequency, which is effectively constant, and the viscous fluid flow onto the vane, also effectively constant.
Speed changing (45 r.p.m. and 33.3 r.p.m.) is accomplished by moving the drive belt from one motor pulley to the other and a neon-lit stroboscope is provided for accurate speed setting. In order to eliminate completely any mechanical shock to the turntable, on/off switching of the drive motor is accomplished by means of a reed switch.
The Hydraulic Reference Turntable also has provision for the unique sweep arm and stylus brush.
Please note that the arm pictured is not included.
A Brief History
Step into the cinematic universe of A Clockwork Orange with the Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference Turntable—a coveted masterpiece that not only graced the iconic scenes of Alex’s (Malcolm McDowell) bedroom where he plays his beloved Beethoven records but which has also earned its place in the hearts of film buffs and music aficionados alike.
Crafted with unparalleled precision, this award-winning turntable, originally meticulously designed by the late David Gammon in 1964, was handpicked by the legendary Stanley Kubrick himself to adorn the silver screen.
Transcriptors Engineering was founded in 1960 by Gammon with his brother Anthony and became the world’s leading manufacturer of manual turntables, tone arms and accessories, and one of the most modern hi-fi manufacturing plants in Europe during the 60’s, 70’s and the early 80’s.
Renowned for its innovation and excellence, Gammon’s son Michael continues the legacy of the Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference Turntable: “In 1969 Stanley Kubrick visited my father at his Borehamwood factory and asked him if he could purchase a Hydraulic Reference to use in his latest film project. He let Stanley have the turntable”.
Transcriptors turntables have been widely used in numerous television commercials and in many films: The Skeleton turntable was used in the X-Men: First Class (2011) and Creepshow (1982) and the Hydraulic Reference Turntable can be spotted in The Look Of Love (2013) as well as A Clockwork Orange (1972). Various turntable parts were also used in another Stanley Kubrick production, 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Specifications :
Platter 305mm diameter machined from a solid billet of aluminium, and fitted with six 24k gold plated inertia platter weights. The record is supported on neoprene pads, thereby reducing rumble and induced static to an absolute minimum.
• Plinth CNC machined 30mm thick clear acrylic
• Isolation Feet Aluminium fitted with cork/rubber damping pads.
• Lid Clear acrylic.
• Main bearing Slim sectioned ball-ended ground and polished silver steel spindle running onto a ceramic ball bearing and hardened steel thrust plate. Fitted with three poly-sibrilating damping rigs
• Motor Single-phase synchronous, recoil start.
• Tonearm Boards Available for most new and classic arms.
• Power requirement 115vac or 240vac, single-phase, 50 Hz or 60Hz.
• Speeds 33.3 and 45 r.p.m.
• Speed Control +/- 2% of nominal
• Speed Indication Neon-lit stroboscope geared up 6:1 to give a 6 degree reading
for a 1 degree variation in platter speed
• Width 440 mm
• Depth (lid closed) 420 mm
• Depth (lid open) 520 mm
• Height (lid closed) 160 mm
• Height (lid open) 500 mm